Post by Mrs. DudSomeone will put up a "personal" fan site
for xxx shows and the studio will crush
them like a bug.
Yes, I've heard of this happening, and it seems like a really bad idea
to me. Unless someone is passing themselves off as an "official" site
or making money off of some unlicensed merchandise, fan sites ought to
be considered free positive advertising for the artist, movie, etc. and
encouraged. Cracking down on devoted fans who aren't causing any harm
or taking any money from the franchise just causes ill will all around.
I have a fan site for my favorite singer, and was actually asked to
create and run his official site for him. It has now been taken over by
a professional web designer, but it was a real privilege to be
appreciated for what I had done.
I've also seen the person who ran the official site of another favorite
singer of mine shut down fan sites, as well as ban fans who posted on
the site forum respectful but honest opinions about concerns they had
about how things were being run, and the animosity it created was just
horrendous. The sad thing is, I've met this singer several times, and
he is one of the warmest, most fan-appreciative performers you can
imagine, which makes it frustrating that someone working for him was
alienating his fans like that.
DivaMagenta @}{~~>~~~>~~~>~~~~~
"Religion is man's futile attempt to reach out to God, trying to earn
His favor. Christianity is the good news that God has reached out in
love to us through His Son, because He knows that our arms are not long