Post by KishinPost by 3***@366.comPost by KishinPost by 3***@366.comCould someone explain why someone would want to spend money to see
this dreadful movie?
I wouldn't even watch it they paid me to go see it.
Dreadful, dreary, is there any thing good about this movie?
And to think people are going put down $10+ to go see this dreadful
film. Can someone explain this other than the idea that people want
to see blood, guts, gore, killing, violence, etc.?
So are you saying you haven't seen it? Then if so, how can you judge it?
No I haven't seen it and i'm not about to fork over $12.50 to see it
here in this big city. And that doesn't include parking, the over
priced food/drinks/ or the gas to get to the theater.
The only movie i'd pay $12.50+ for right now is the Hobbit.
I don't plan on seeing it, either, as I believe I'll prefer the Japanese
original, "Battle Royale." It just seems odd that you feel so strongly
about a film you haven't seen. It's not like someone is forcing you to
see it. Or is it?
Kishin- Hide quoted text -
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Oberon: I work in a large (2nd largest in the state) Public Library
in Michigan. Allow me to provide a little perspective.
Like Harry Potter Books and... sigh... Twilight books, the Hunger
Games is the big big young adult/youth reader item for several years
now. I myself don't intend to read them, nor did I read the Potter or
Twilight books but I think it is important to note that these 'trends'
are important in the sense that we have serious illiteracy levels with
not only young, but also adult readers. While any of these books may
not be up to some standards as "literature", these books have given
our young people a serious hunger (sorry, pun) for reading.
But the story line itself is actually very old; Its the story of
Theseus and Ariadne, of Greek Myth. The tribute, working through a
maze, fighting with the Minotaur.
So we're talking about a modern interpretation of a classical Myth.
Kind of like how Dark Shadows recycled Classical horror, such as
Dracula, Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyl, etc.
The movies / plot, may not be to your liking, but because of the
sheer fan interest, I am confident that it will be a well made movie,
if you like these kind of stories.