Post by kitekrazyI finally seen it in the episode when Carolyn threatens to blow Willy's
head off. It appears in the ending credits.
Did anyone see it appear before?
I just watched these episodes recently. That appears to be the first
episode where we saw Barnabas' portrait. What gets me is there was no
explanation for its appearance. Just a few episodes prior to this, the
camera panned to that same part of the foyer and we saw a mirror hanging
Since Roger had been searching, a week or so earlier, for paintings
belonging to Sam Evans, I thought for certain that he might have
accidentally stumbled upon the picture of Barnabas in storage, and
decided to hang it in the foyer. Apparently, though, the writers simply
decided to have it appear right out of thin air, with no explanation.
Oh,'s not as if a DS viewer in 1967 could shuttle through
tapes of the show to prove or disprove this...that's, no doubt, what the
writers were counting on.