2012-03-03 17:02:19 UTC
I am REALLY dreading what the Dark Shadows movie will be like.
Yeah. Somebody tried to tell me those still with Depp wearing whiteKabuki make-up aren't how he'll look in the final, they just had to
paint him that way to add fx, "it's like greenscreen for his face" at
which point I just stopped talking to her.
for a film coming out in May? I find it VERY strange and sloppy that
they spent so much money on this movie and top talent, yet aren't
promoting it. Of course we have articles here and there, but a trailer
costs nothing and there isn't one out yet. In the age of social media,
they should have released a teaser trailer MONTHS ago and by now a full
length one should be in theaters. Maybe there is a secret plan we're not
aware of....
"If Barack Obama isn't careful, he will become the Jimmy Carter of the
21st century."
"If Barack Obama isn't careful, he will become the Jimmy Carter of the
21st century."