Post by KishinThe good news: it picks up from the end of the series.
The bad news: the art shown doesn't look much like our Mr. Frid.
Oberon: AweSomE!!!! As a big and long time comics reader, I will
love this. I remember reading the Gold Key series - - that actually
outlasted the TV show by a number of years. Not bad, but not
continuity-driven or tied into the TV series.
Several years after the early '90s series, there was another attempt
at a comic version, which I tried to buy, but seemed to always miss
issues - distribution might have been the problem. It was good, edgy
and beautiful, but it didn't draw me in like the original TV or comic
So I hope this one works. Horror comics don't seem to be as popular
as super heros so it may have to work on finding its audience.
on the other hand, vampires rule . . . . .